Chapter 515

Machine World Arc A Girl With Dangerous Future

After the fierce battle of the girls was settled.

The crumbled junk mountain had also been restored completely like before. Listy’s wound had also been perfectly treated by Kaori. Presently,

「Are you listening, Listy?」

「Yeah, I’m listening big bro.」

A “lecture time” was naturally being held.

Listy-chan was sitting cross-legged in front of her workshop while crossing her arms with the corners of her mouth turned down. In front of her was Jasper standing imposingly with his arms crossed.

Both sides were looking at the other seriously. Neither side would back down at all.

But, it was strange. Jasper who should be the side giving the lecture slightly looked like he was the one being pressured.

「Ah, he averted his eyes nano.」

「Don’t point that out!」

Remia mama scolded her daughter. Big bro Jasper’s eyes were averted even more due to the words of the mother and daughter duo.

Also, just right before this Listy had super serious injuries that consisted of numerous cuts & gun shot wounds, three fractured ribs and fractured left thigh, dislocated left wrist, and internal organs damage.

When Listy heard about the details of her wounds from Kaori, far from fainting, she didn’t even cry or yell. It went without saying that her guts, or rather the way she put in spirit made everyone half impressed and half creeped out.

It was no wonder, even the governor-cum-big bro was flinching badly like this moment.

That’s why, it’s not like I’m particularly pathetic or anything okay! Governor Jasper yelled the excuse inside his heart where there was nobody listening.

「L-Listy-chan, how impudent……」

「Rather than listening to a lecture, this feels more like, “I’m listening, so be grateful!”, yeah?」

Atsushi and Noboru were also whispering.

「At least, she’s reflecting……I think? Just now she bowed her head deeply and said I’m sorry after all.」

「But Yuuka-chi, look. That imposing attitude. Isn’t it like proclaiming, “I haven’t done anything to feel guilty at the slightest!” isn’t it?」

「Her attitude feels like, “I’m not gonna run or hide! Come, scold me to your heart’s content!” isn’t it. I don’t know whether to call it graceful or something……」

Yuuka, Nana, and Taeko were also similarly whispering. Suzu and Ryuutarou also commented 「She’s like a certain someone somewhere huuh」 while glancing at Hajime. Hajime was looking up to the sky. The weather is really nicee~. Ah, that cloud, the shape is like spider……

「Listy? Are you reflecting properly?」

「Of course, Mindy-oneechan. Listy is very reflecting.」

What’s with that robotic answer, everyone thought. Mind-oneechan’s cheeks were starting to twitch. All her other brothers and sisters looked like they were holding back a headache.

Perhaps, this was something that had happened many times before. They could easily imagine that.

「A-anyway! There isn’t anymore undeclared illegal good here right!? Stop hiding things! If you don’t cut it out already, I’m, gonna cry!」

Jasper’s voice roughened even while his eyes were already tearful. Listy stared back straight into his eyes while……no, she slightly averted her gaze and seemed to be pondering something before once more, she met Jasper’s eyes firmly and nodded.

「It’s alright, big bro. There isn’t anything more illegal than that!!」

It was a powerful declaration. Her voice’s tone sufficiently conveyed that there was undoubtedly no falsehood in her words.

But, even Jasper hadn’t been the governor for five years just for show. He had spent every day until now cultivating his ability to perceive the subtlety of other people’s heart based on their atmosphere, tone, and expression. And when he was facing his own family then it was even more impossible that he would miss anything.

And so, his stare turned reproachful while he asked for confirmation.

「By that, you mean that you don’t have anymore in your possession right? You ain’t gonna tell me that you actually mean you have some but “there’s none with greater specs than that” or “none that is completed goods” ain’t ya?」

Listy quietly averted her gaze.

Apparently it was a case of not lying but also not telling the truth. Listy-chan was giving her best effort to learn and practice Hajime papa’s special skill that Myuu told her about. So laudable- (?)


「Really sorry……」

As expected even Hajime was forced to return his focus from the weather back to the present situation when he got stared by such resentful tearful eyes.

「Eeei, Listy! Enough already, take out every──」

「Big bro!」


From sitting cross-legged to seiza posture. With both fists pressed on the ground and crackling atmosphere due to the radiated dominating aura, the youngest sister spoke up. The big bro twitched jitterily in respond.

「I’m truly sorry for what I’ve done-」

It even felt like Listy’s eyes glinted piercingly when she said that.

「……Nn~, prime example of a child’s face that absolutely not feeling sorry.」

「Ahaha, yeaah. Feels like I’ve seen it from somewhere……」

「Kaori-san, it’s that desu! That person , the “Terrorist Must Kill-Man” who always fight without care of the means 24 hours desu!」

The “Must Become Hajime Papa’s Daughter-Woman” who always researched and invented without care of the means 24-hours. That was Listy. Now the mentality of Must Win Against Myuu was also added into the mix so her intensity was just crazy.

「If you really feel sorry then have some restraiiin!」

「I’m not gonna stop doing illegal things till I beat Myuu-」

What a brazen proclamation.

I’m not gonna stop punching until you cry! The proclamation was like that roundabout expression. Looking at the figure of Jasper who was mentally beaten and tearing up, it didn’t seem like expressing it like that was necessarily mistaken.

The other siblings were covering their face with their hands. Mindy’s expression was blank.

A relative of the country’s leader was proactively and unashamedly acting like an outlaw. If the one doing this is my little brother Randell……perhaps Liliana was imagining that. Her face was showing the greatest sympathy she could muster.

「Big broo!」

「What now!?」

「How about we just take the plunge and establish the weapon development department!」

「Obviously nooo! Who’re you planning to go to war against huh!」

Listy’s finger wordlessly snapped toward somewhere. Of course, it pointed toward Myuu. Of course it is! Jasper thought as he held his head in his hands. He wondered why she thought that her proposal had any chance to be accepted. This damn mad scientist.

「Listen to me, Listy. Weapon development is forbidden. Though I understand that you want to win against Myuu-chan, but you know? I’m begging you restrain yourself.」

Things like chainsaw or electromagnetically guided hammer were still just barely okay. But nail cannon or explosive were a no go. So please……he begged.

Jasper squatted down to match the height of Listy’s gaze and earnestly persuaded her.

「……That’s, right isn’t it. Big bro is Coltran’s leader. It won’t make a good example if the leader’s family is like this. I’m being a nuisance……」

「It’s not like I’m calling you a nuisance though……」

「No, it’s fine. I get it. I’ll follow Coltran’s rule seeing that I’m living in Coltran. I’ll turn in every illegal things I’m keeping in the workshop.」

「That so! So you understand!」

Listy’s expression looked docile. Jasper and Mindy and the others cheered up seeing that……

「In short, the rule doesn’t apply outside Coltran. She isn’t going to turn in the illegal object she isn’t keeping in her workshop……is that what she said nano?」

Myuu whispered.

Where did Coltran start and where did it end? At the present where there was no other city, there was no concept like boundary line. Also, Listy was a salvager. She was an explorer of the vast underground space.

It must also be possible for her to discover dangerous object underground far away from the capital and did research and invention in a base outside the city. With that, it shouldn’t infringe on the law. She seemed to be walking in such gray zone.

I hate someone perceptive like Myuu! Judging from how Listy made an evil countenance that seemed to say that, Myuu most likely hit the mark. She did it again. She was steadily practicing telling not a lie but also not the truth!!

The expression of Jasper and Mindy and the others reversed from cheery to cloudy. Listy averted her gaze seeing that.

To that Hajime too,

「Really I’m sorry……」

He couldn’t bear it and apologized again.

「Uu~mu, looks like it wouldst be most difficult to restrain Listy’s passion and spirit. Well, that art clear to see from watching the fight just now though.」

「It feels like she’ll rapidly get better on walking the gray zone. For this kind of case it’ll be better to give her permission to some degree and keep her within sight but……Jasper-san’s position as the governor makes it really difficult……」

Aiko sported a bitter smile like she was facing a problem child who was a habitual offender of school rule. She must be feeling sympathy to Jasper who couldn’t overlook what Listy was doing because of his position, even though a part of him wanted to tolerate it.

「If it’s Listy-chan then she definitely won’t misuse it but……」

Liliana’s expression became even more conflicted. Hajime was also the same. Rather than thinking of Jasper’s hardship, their expression looked more like they were somewhat worried for Listy, like they were concerned about something.

「It’s fine, Listy won’t misuse it.」

Whether she was aware or not about that feeling of everybody, Listy spoke with a tone like an AI again. That sounds extremely contrived though……everyone couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

「Rather than that Myuu, say your demand.」

Ah, she blatantly change the topic……the bitter smiles deepened. Jasper let out a loud sigh, while Mindy and others looked at each other worriedly.

Although, the collision between the big brother who was in the position of having to enforce the rule and, the youngest little sister with iron will who definitely wouldn’t depart from the outlaw lane wasn’t something that could be solved immediately right here.

And so, for now the lecture time was over.

Jasper backed down as though to yield the spot while throwing a glance at Myuu. Perhaps Myuu understood Jasper’s intention and stood in front of Listy.

「Are you prepared, nano?」

「If possible, keep it at just one arm.」

Ryuutarou tsukkomi-ed 「Her resolve is just at different level-」, while Suzu muttered 「Lies, isn’t it? Myuu-chan……」 and looked toward Myuu with a gaze that was wavering with anxiety.

「You’re too na?ve if you think that you can have the same artificial hand like papa if you’re lucky nano!」

「……I see. You aren’t gonna take my arm huh……」

「Don’t look a bit disappointed nano!」

The corners of Mindy-oneechan’s eyes rose. Her eyes were saying, I absolutely won’t allow something like that!

Her figure that was harboring admiration toward Hajime that broke the limit was already something that inspired dread.

Remia said 「My my. Hajime-san. Perhaps it’ll be better if you restrain your papahood a little bit……」 with eyes like she was looking at a good-for-nothing, then Yue said 「……Kuh, settle down! My Papa Power-……something like that?」 with a slight tilt of her head but, even Hajime would be troubled if he was asked something like that.

「It’s pointless taking something like arm from you nano. Rather than that, from now on Listy──」

「What……what’re you planning to do? No, what’re you gonna make me do!!」

Myuu’s “treasure warehouse” shined. Listy’s expression tensed with nervousness. In contrast Myuu’s grin widened.

Right after that, something humanoid appeared beside Myuu. That object with size about the same like her was a mannequin.

The bottom had a plaid miniskirt and sneakers with cute ribbon. The top had light pink camisole combined with somewhat oversized purple parker with cat ears attached. On the neck was a small necklace modeled after seashell.

「Myuu’ll have you turn adorable nano!!」

「Eh, I don’t wanna though?」

Listy replied instantly with a serious face. Because, Listy wanted to be cool, or even manly. Naturally she would answer like that.

「The loser has no right to refuse. From now on Myuu will have you pay attention to your appearance and fashion nano!!」

「Why the hell!! You said yourself that I can keep being me! As I thought Myuu too, are you telling me to become feminine like Mindy-oneechan and others!? I firmly refuse! I wanna be like Ani-san──」

「This stupid moronnnnn!!」

「Ouchhh!? Why did you hit me!?」

Listy-chan’s seiza posture broke and she held her cheek with a drooping posture. Like a housewife who just received DV. Of course, in this situation the husband was Myuu.

And Myuu who had just done that outrage didn’t look ashamed at all. Far from that she continued by raising her voice with her fist still clenched.

「You luckily have good foundation, so be more adorable-. Polish your cuteness toooo-. Why are you only aiming for coolness nano! When a girl polish both cuteness and coolness, they’ll be able to meet their truly charming self nano! That’s exactly why, be cuterrrrrrrrr!! Nano!」

「Ca-, c-ca-, calm down……」

That Listy was shaken up. That was how much seriousness and zeal that could be felt from the argument.

「Myuu won’t tell you toa fix your language nano. Even tomboy is good nano. Wanting to be cool is also understandable nano. Myuu won’t retract her words there!!」


「But howeveeeer!! Watch and be amazed nano!!」

Myuu sharply pointed her finger. To Yue, Shia, Tio, Kaori, and then Shizuku and others in turn.

Yue and co who were frozen by Myuu’s abrupt transformation into Shuzo Matsu*ka jerked in surprise. Eh, eh……w-what, what is it? They wondered in confusion with their gaze wandering around.

「All of them are cute right? They’re really pretty right?」


「But, they’re reaaally strong nano. They’re all suuperrrrrr cool when fighting nano!」

This time they were shaken up in a different sense. They all blushed, fiddling with their hair, or their gaze became jittery. Noo, welll, you’re exaggerating?……their embarrassed attitude said.

Only Yuuka was secretly asking 「Just now, do you think her finger was also pointing at my direction? Hey hey! Do you think so!? I think the angle was really tricky though-」 to Nana and Taeko.

Yep yep, that’s true isn’t it. Surely you’re also counted among them……

The expressions of her best friends were really kind.

Putting that aside, Listy turned her gaze *jii~~* at Yue and others once more. Myuu declared to such Listy.

「Coolness and cuteness can stand together. All the women around papa are like that. Myuu is also making effort to be like that! In that case-」

Like a vanguard preaching the truth of the world, Myuu spread out her arms as though to bring the enlightenment. Her figure drew in Listy’s gaze.

「As someone who wish to be recognized by papa, as someone who call herself as papa’s daughter, aaaanddd! As someone trying to become this Myuu’s little sister! Ending with only one and be satisfied by it is highly ridiculous!! Nanooo!!」

「Kuh, what……what a flawless logic-. It’s like there’s no hole in it-」

I-is that soo? Ryuutarou and others thought. Of course, they read the mood and didn’t make any tsukkomi though.

「Ah, but I’ve objection about the “little sister”──」

Apparently there was hole for a tsukkomi to poke. Though of course, Myuu easily ignored it.

She put her left hand on her waist and brushed up her hair with a lot of gravitas. Like when a certain abyss lord pushed up his sunglasses. And then her right hand’s finger pointed up high as though to pierce the sky before slowly lowering down as though to show it off.

The finger was naturally pointing toward Listy.

「Listy!! Become a cutely cool woman! Nano!!」

Apparently, that was the demand of the winner(Myuu) in the end.

Hajime and co looked at each other. Their expressions became warm. Those like Mindy were looking towartd Myuu with an extremely gentle gaze that had gratitude mixed in there.

It wasn’t something much.

It was something that had been in her mind ever since she saw the oil and dust covered appearance, the unkempt hair, and the wound covered body. And then, she was convinced through the duel before this.

Listy worked too hard that she neglected to care for herself too much.

She couldn’t help but became worried, dissatisfied, and wanting to interfere even if Listy didn’t want it. After all, Myuu was someone who was trying to call herself Listy’s big sister.

「While staying here, as the big sister Myuu is going to beat up the meaning of “cuteness” into your brain nano. Come along nano!」

After saying that, Myuu turned the hand she was thrusting forward to offer her palm.

Listy stared at that palm for a beat.

「I keep telling you, who’s the big sis here huh.」

Although she was complaining like that, Listy placed her own hand on that palm. That hand was grasped tightly, and she stood up as she got pulled in.

And then, with a bright red face that looked exactly like a little sister who couldn’t be honest with herself,

「But well, you’re the winner. I got no plan to grumble over and over at this point. T-that’s why……umm……m-make me cute-, please-」

She answered the demand graciously.

Myuu looked reaally satisfied. At the same time her smile became filled with a lot of spirit which was only natural.

Hajime and others were also smiling warmly and cheerfully seeing Listy fidgeting while asking to be made cute. Especially Mindy and the children. Their eyes were moist from how moved they were feeling.










Because of this and that, not only Myuu & Remia, even Yue and others combined tehir efforts to dress up Listy. And the result.

「This is……me……?」

In front of the full-length mirror that was setup in front of the workshop, Listy-chan was looking astonished while saying such a cliched line.

「You even speak femininely there, nano.」

Listy returned to her senses from Myuu’s smirking tsukkomi and protested 「W-whaddya mean! I spoke just like normal!」 while glaring sharply but……regrettably, her face was bright red, and she was wearing the cat-eared hoodie.

In addition, the magic of Yue and co and care products from Japan had been generously used, so her hair was glossy, her lips were plump, there was also no wound that could be found. She was a plainly adorable girl.

「Fumu. Myuu guess this will also make do, nano.」

「W-what. You still want to do something more huh?」

Myuu suddenly reached out. In respond Listy didn’t even show any sign of running away in contrast to her words. She shut her eyes and let out her voice 「uun」 from the sensation of Myuu’s fingertip caressing her hair and forehead.

「As expected, forehead! The forehead showing also suits you nano!」

「Hair clip, huh?」

A cute hair pin with cat motif allowed Listy’s forehead to come into view. The satisfied looking Myuu used a matching hair pin to expose her forehead too.

「Setting the outfit aside, it won’t be strange even if you wear something as small as hair pin regularly. You can take that as a provisional little sister nano.」

As expected, Listy wouldn’t be able to routinely wear an outfit that was made on earth. It would stand out too much in Coltran where the concept of enjoying fashion wasn’t developed. That was why, the dress up this time would only for this time.

That was exactly why, Myuu presented a hairpin that could be used regularly.

「The same thing huh.」

「The same thing nano.」

Listy looked aside with a dissatisfied look, but her lips looked mumbling from how desperately she was stopping it from grinning. She couldn’t completely hide her feeling inside.

「It feels like silver accessory or ornaments, the more the better will suit you Listy nano. In that case you can also give excuse that you make them yourselves……fumu, look at the mirror for a bit nano.」

「O-oi, what’re……hyaa!? Don’t fondle my earrrr~」

Myuu took out some earrings and ear cuffs before trying them on Listy who was standing in front of the mirror. Now she looked like she was hugging her from behind.

Listy’s face was increasingly looking like a ripe apple. She didn’t shake off Myuu was because getting dressed up actually didn’t bother her that much, and most of all because it was conveyed just how seriously Myuu was doing this.

Apparently even Listy would become completely obedient after looking at Myuu’s crisp expression through the mirror as she continued to search for the fashion that suited Listy.

She looked exactly like a little sister being fussed about by her big sister. Warm voices 「Myyy~?」 slipped out from Yue and others.

「……Remia, danger. Myuu is being a handsome guy again.」

「Or rather, just like with the girls in her school, isn’t she jolting the maiden heart of her fellow girls too much?」

「My heart goes kyun just by watching from the side. She’s like the main character of a shoujou manga.」

「I wonder if this is the fruit of Great Teacher Sumire’s education?」

「Really, what to do with her……recently, I’m getting worried whether there might be bloodshed caused by her……」

Mama’s worry never ran out! But, seen from the side it was a very heartwarming sight. Hajime and others were also watching over the two with warm and fluffy mood.

There, Listy who got several silver accessories put on her ears came in front of Hajime as though to display herself once more.

Her usual bold footsteps were just like an illusion. Her trotting footsteps right now felt like there would be onomatopoeia *totter totter* accompanying it.

Myuu was watching over from behind with her arms folded and a big sis atmosphere, while Listy lifted up her face bashfully.

「U-umm, Oto──Ani-san……does it, look good?」

Guu so cute! Such voices could be heard in unison. Atsushi and Noboru, also Nana and Taeko, they were giving a thumb up with a nice smile.

Of course, there wasn’t any objection at all.

「Yeah, it looks really good on you. You’re cute.」


「On top of that you’re also strong and smart……I’m a bit worried for your future. Looks like you’re gonna be popular among male and female.」


Listy-chan, she grabbed the edge of her cat ear hood with both hands and pulled down hard. It was like a Charisma *uard while still in standing position. Apparently it felt really embarrassing to have her face seen. Cute.

With a small voice 「I see……as I thought “cutely cool” is the correct choice. Myuu is right……hehe-」 she muttered with joy oozing into her voice, so it became even cuter.

Yue and Kaori couldn’t hold back and spontaneously patted her head over the hood.

「U-umm……is it really alright for us to also wear this?」

Mindy asked with the air of half happy and half bewildered. She too had changed outfit completely. It was a no-sleeve sweater and a long skirt. Her hair too had been carefully arranged.

It was thin but she was also wearing cosmetic. Perhaps that was why she looked like an elegant lady from a good family, so Atsushi muttered 「Mindy-san……as I thought she’s great……」 and took out his smartphone. Did he wish to take a photo together with her?

「It’s fine it’s fine! It’ll also be unfair if it’s just Listy-chan!」

「Or rather, as expected from Myuu-chan. I can’t believe that you had discussed it beforehand with Remia-san and Tio-san to prepare outfits for the whole Jasper family.」

「Kuh, I’m disgusted with our powerlessness that was only able to prepare Yuuka’s cosplay outfits……」

「Go get basked in that powerlessness forever.」

Putting aside Yuuka’s cold gaze, yes, it wasn’t just Mindy but the children of Jasper family were also going through outfit change.

「Umu umu. Everyone, all of thee art looking good~」

「Kids, come over here if you want your hair getting styled~」

「Ou, you guys are looking quite manly now!」

The girls were chattering in high spirits. Those like the eldest girl who got her hair done into half-up, half-down hairstyle by Suzu along with a pretty hair ornament was staying unmoving with her expression looking ecstatic.

The boys were also looking bewildered by the modern Japan fashion but, their cheeks reddened by Ryuutarou’s lively praise and they grinned back at him.

Also, Paolo-kun alone was falling on all fours muttering 「Why, is the bursting tight thingy is the only one not in the pile. I can’t comprehend it at the slightest-」 while punching the ground.

Liliana was arranging the outfit of another girl while,

「Fufu, even if the world is different, as expected dressing fashionably is fun isn’t it. What do you think, Jasper-san? About embarking on molding a new culture using this chance? Even the field of clothing and accessories can create new employment you know?」

Giving out such opinion that was befitting a statesman. Jasper who was being the only one who just in case didn’t change to deal if anything happened raised his voice 「Aa~」.

「I guess. I thought that as long as its wearable than anything is fine but……looking at all of them getting this excited right in front of me, yeah. ……Mindy, do you think it can work?」

「Let’s see. It’ll be a problem if the design is suddenly spread out just as it is but, it’ll be fine if the change is done bit by bit. Whether it’s the outfit or the accessory or the cosmetic, they’re all giving me so many idea.」

「Mindy-san, looks like you’re going to worshipped for culture development again.」

Liliana’s mischievous smile made Mindy laughed 「Ahaha……」 with a wry smile mixed in, although a strong desire could be felt from her eyes.

By all means it was desirable for a healthy fashion culture that wouldn’t lose against the bursting tight evangelist Paolo to be popularized.

Aiko who was also looking after the outfit of the girls like Liliana looked up to the sky suddenly. The position of the sun had gone down a lot compared to when they first arrived here.

「Maybe it’ll be better to go have a look at the workshop soon……. The human repellent barrier has been up for quite a long time after all.」

If people who had some business in this area or even coming here to visit Listy returned back without even any clear reason, the people of the city would surely think it was strange.

If that happened, perhaps it would also cause problem from Listy’s livelihood in the future.

「Looks like it. Although, there’s no way everyone can go inside all at once……」

Hajime smiled at the signboard with the words “First Workshop” on it that was made from welding metal poles, however, seeing the hut sized workshop made him pondered for a bit about what to do.

「It’s fine, Ani-san.」

Listy who was also getting patted around by Shia and Shizuku who came from the middle stepped forward even while a bit reeling.

And then,

「After all this workshop is the front.」

She said such thing. Although the one who got bewildered 「Eh?」 was of course Jasper and others.

Listy ignored her bewildered family and entered inside the workshop while her cat ears were swaying *pyoko pyoko*. She pushed aside the split curtain on the door while also gesturing with her hand to follow.

Hajime and others looked at each other even while following behind.

「We can go to my true workshop from here.」

「What’s that I don’t know」

The one who said that with a flat voice was Governor Jasper. By the way, the duty to report wasn’t just for dangerous object, but also when discovering undiscovered underground space or passage. Of course, the reporter would be rewarded.

Listy wouldn’t look at her fixedly staring big brother to an unnatural degree. Then she moved a storage rack.

Under it was a metal floor that looked completely ordinary but……when they squinted at it closer, they could faintly see a square line.

「Hidden door huh?」

「Something like that.」

There wasn’t any grip or anything. But, Listy took out something like a pen shaped stun gun from the gap of junk that was placed on the workshop’s shelf, touched a part of the floor with it and poured electricity──a beat passed. *Click* There was the sound of something coming off and the floor slightly lifted up. And then it slid aside and opened.

What appeared was a deep looking hole and a ladder into underground.

「This way!」

She must have been really looking forward to show her true workshop to Hajime. Listy went down the ladder with slightly high spirit──no, she pressed her hands and feet on both sides of the ladder and slid down quickly.

She seemed really used to do that.

「T-this, is like a secret base! It’s too romantic nano!」

Myuu’s eyes sparkled and she similarly slid down quickly with the ladder’s sides.

Hajime and others looked at each other once more.

「Well, let’s follow for now.」

「……Nn. Everyone go ahead. I’ll erase the barrier and go down last.」

With Yue’s urging, the expressionless Jasper took the lead followed by Mindy and others who also looked like they had a headache. They went down into the gloomy underground.

Like that.

「It’s long……」

Long underground passage where the light didn’t reach until the end even with powerful light illuminating the path was there. There wasn’t any sign of collapse thanks to the wall and the ceiling and the floor being made from metal. It was a pretty thing.

Everyone imagined that it would be a space that was like a small underground warehouse, so it was surprising to find this.


A voice that sounded like it was being squeezed out leaked away from Jasper. His cheeks were twitching.

Listy-chan apparently not only concealed illegal object but even an undiscovered underground passage. She inserted the electric pen before this into a hole that was set in the wall and closed the surface door while looking back over her shoulder.

「Big bro」

「Ou, try saying it. Give me a smart explanationnn」

「It’s not illegal if it’s not found out.」

「It’s illegal you stupid idiot.」

「If you don’t know then there’s also no need to hide it. There’s also no mental burden. Big bro is bad at hiding things after all.」

「Thanks for the consideration goddammit all-」

Listy-chan was very considerate for her big bro. The big brother also seemed to be very happy. To the degree that there was blood vein pulsing on his forehead.

「And, the actual reason?」

Mindy-oneechan grabbed Listy’s shoulder tightly. Listy unconsciously jerked and looked up while trembling. There she found a lovely smile that resembled Kaori’s Hannya-san.

As expected blood quickly rushed out from Listy-chan’s face. She fessed out her real motive in the blink of eye.

「Because it’s more convenient to store illegal object and develop weapon……also, having your own secret workshop is romance.」

「I get you.」

「Myuu get you nano.」

「Dear? Myuu?」

Remia-okaasan grabbed her husband and daughter’s shoulder tightly. The father-daughter who blurted out those comments reflexively looked back fearfully. There they found a lovely smile that resembled Kaori’s Hannya.

Hajime & Myuu went 「「Sorry」」 in the blink of eye. Certainly, if Hajime and Myuu sympathized with this of all things then the word introspection would vanish from Listy’s dictionary.

Remia and Mindy were connecting through their gaze……not even a day had passed since they met but, apparently there was a strong sympathy budding between the two of them.

「Aa~, I think there isn’t even a need to guess but, perhaps she built her workshop on top of that door because she found this underground passage?」

「The location above ground being at an inconspicuous spot wasn’t the only reason it seems.」

Kaori and Shizuku smiled wryly while weakly attempted to divert the topic before the battle of big brother governor VS outlaw little sister could begin.

Listy nodded up and down. Ryuutarou narrowed his eyes to look further into the passage while asking.

「Even so, just what kinda passage is this? It’s real straight, and it’s also in mint condition perhaps because it’s made from metal.」

「Dunno. It’s a really long single path, and if you go until the end, you can come out to the surface there too. There’s a wide space in the middle. My real workshop is there.」

The junk mountain range itself was at the outskirt of the city. And then this passage was extending to the opposite direction from the city. In other words, it was an underground passage that completely went to outside Coltran.

「Fumu. Considering that Coltran was originally a military base, perhaps this art a secret escape passage.」

「Maybe originally there was some kind of important facility built on the surface of it.」

「But Tio-san, Shia-san. Heiligh’s palace also has escape path but, it’s not a straightforward path like this you know? Normally wouldn’t it be made to be complex to deal with pursuer or intruder?」

When Liliana pointed that out, certainly it was just as she said and it was returned with a nod from the others.

「……In that case, was it a direct path for transporting item?」

「Yue-san. If it’s something like that than isn’t the exit and entrance too inconvenient using ladder?」

Aiko looked at the ladder they had just used to go down. The entrance too only had a size as big as the typical manhole.

「Well, it doesn’t matter right? It’s pointless even if we keep staying here forever, let’s go already.」

「If we’re really curious we can just ask G10 about it later~」

Atsushi and Nana stepped forward to urge the rest. Certainly it was just as they said, so Hajime and others were also going to follow──

「Ah, don’t! Stop──」

Listy suddenly raised her voice. At the same time, *pin* there was the sound of something popping under Atsushi’s feet.

Eh? When he looked down, there was a very thin wire there. It was connected to the wall where a camouflaged grenade was……



Yue-sama’s godspeed space isolation barrier! A super localized flash was generated and illuminated only a small part of the passage.

The room was silent as grave.

Kaori was sweating coldly while pointing a hand forward, perhaps intending to fire her disintegration cannon. Shia, Tio, and Shizuku had moved in front of Jasper and the children, Suzu was putting a barrier between the grenade and their group, and Hajime too was forming a wall of liquid metal. Ryuutarou and others were also taking their respective defensive stance.

It was a splendid reaction. Surely there wouldn’t be any problem even if there was explosion.

But, something like that didn’t matter!

「I set up several traps to deal with intruder. I ask everyone to be careful.」

「「Can’t you say that firsttt!?」」

Fuii~ Listy let out a sigh while wiping her cold sweat. Atsushi and Nana’s half snapped and their complain exploded. Big bro Jasper stomped toward his youngest sister and his knuckle dropped. A pleasant sound echoed through the passage.



As expected even Listy honestly apologized with tearful eyes in front of her big bro’s silent & serious face.

Yue-san thank youuuuuu!! Atsushi and Nana thanked tearfully. Ryuutarou looked at the from the corner of his eyes while muttering with a twitching face.

「T-that’s too murderous……」

「Even though she has non-lethal weapon like stun gun, setting up lethal explosion just from entering……hahaha, it’s like Nagumo-kun’s gate entrance.」

The words of Suzu whose face was also twitching made Hajime slightly averted his gaze even while he was pulling back the liquid metal.

「There’re only treasures ahead from here so, when I come to my senses……and it’ll also cause trouble to big bro and others if it get found out so……」

「So, you might as well kill them to keep them silent, is that it?」

「That’s not it, big sis Yuuka. I reduced the lethality so there’s still a chance for survival.」

「That’s not much different! Nagumo, it’ll be better if you have a proper talk with her once. Absolutely.」

「I guess, yeah. I’ll advise her a little during our stay here.」

As expected even Hajime obediently nodded when Yuuka grinded her fingertip on his chest while giving him a fixed stare.

In the end, would it have any meaning in regard of the persuasiveness……Ryuutarou and everyone else wondered.

「A-anyway, it’s ahead from here! Come along!」

Lecturing from Oto──Ani-san. The thought made Listy’s lips formed a bright grin, even so she started leading the way to cover it up.









Like that.


Hajime and others who arrived at Listy’s true workshop ended up witnessing it. The content of her research that was too insane in various meanings. The numerous prototypes.

The object that particularly drew people’s eyes even among those made Ryuutarou, Atsushi, and Noboru to spontaneously yell together.

「「「No, this is the first Iron *an ain’t it-!!」」」


Listy was the only one looking confused.

It looked like their visit here had gone beyond a mere tour and required thorough investigation instead.

AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.

Thank you very much too for the thoughts, opinions, and reports about misspelling and omitted words.

I’m sorry that I couldn’t update last week. There was an idiot who got careless by the warmth during the day and ran a bike at night wearing only thin clothes and ended up catching cold, which was me. Because of that I couldn’t finish writing till finish……

Everyone too please be careful with your body because it has gotten real cold now.

Also actually right now it looks like a browser game of Arifureta has been created. Please give it a try by all means to kill time!

※Material introduction

– I’m really sorry

From Jack Bauer-san of [24].

– I hate the perceptive Myuu

From Shou Tucker of [Full Metal Alchemist], the line 「I hate perceptive brat like you」.

– Stupid moronnn-

From [Kinpachi-sensei].

– Be cuter-

From Matsuoka Shuuzou. Be more passionate!

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