Chapter 835: It’s their home, not ours

[Eon’s POV: ]

A paradise, as we all know, is a place or state of perfect happiness, harmony, and beauty.

It’s a magical place that is often associated with an utopian or idealised setting where everything is as one desires or imagines, free from pain, suffering, or conflict.

A state of eternal bliss, something one would want to experience for time immortal.

This unique state is something close to what a liberated soul freed from the worldly restrictions might feel, or at least, it’s close to that.

‘That’s what a paradise we humans know.’

The Paradise of the Beasts, on the other hand, is a mythical sanctuary where creatures of all kinds live in perfect harmony.

‘In all the stories I know that have described this unique place, they have mentioned some very unrealistic things about creatures and their lives in these special places.’

The blue bees of the academy have this belief among themselves that, when they die and when their bodies are buried under the roots of the ancient tree, their souls— or they themselves as they understand, go to the embrace of The great mother.

They reach a place untouched by any sin, a place where they live and play in eternal happiness, a place that heal them, their soul and when the time comes, Mother Nature sends them back to them as young children.

‘Different creatures of the island that possess at least some kind of intelligence, have a different view of the afterlife and a paradise where they can eat all they want, play all they want, do anything they desire.’

A place where the beasts could feel like a part of the Nature itself.

‘That’s how they imagine a utopian world devoid of sadness, fear or pain.’

What defines this paradise is the peaceful coexistence of animals, including predators and prey, without hierarchy or struggle for dominance… something completely different from the true wild where everything struggles for their survival.

But in these places, there is a deep sense of community and cooperation, with each creature playing a vital role in the ecosystem.

‘That is what the other beings who have visited places close to this hidden lake cave have explained, at least.’

But, truthfully, what We call a paradise doesn’t necessarily have to be A paradise for the creatures of lower intelligence as well.

“I don’t wanna go…”

“We have to, dear. This isn’t where we belong.”

It was time for us to leave now, however, Rein wasn’t the only one that wanted to stay in this peaceful place.

“This is such a nice place…”

“We can just come back here now that we know where it is, right? Then why-.”

“No, Med. Do you remember how we got here in the first place?”

“Of course I remember that! You crash landed in the forest and then we went down from there!”

Med was not angry about what happened back then, but she couldn’t understand why the President was asking her such a simple question.

“Do you know what happened after that?”

His question attracted the attention of everyone that was getting ready for the departure and, including Med, everyone else thought back to how we had arrived to this place.

“We climbed down the mountain.”

“And then we went to the place where that thing was located.”

“That thing, right. That thing…what was it again?”

“I remember competing with you all over climbing a wall! but… but…”


“I… I can’t remember how we got there.”

“I don’t think I even know what we did after that.”

How did we get here again?”

They were confused, some of them were even stunned by the strange phenomenon that they were experiencing right now.

“Hey! What can’t I remember anything!?”

“What’s happened here?!”

What was a paradise from the perspective of the humans and other intelligent species was a sacred sanctuary for the beings that belonged to these mountains and to nature.

It was a sacred place where they weren’t allowed to be hostile, show any kind of anger, a place where they cannot harm anyone else, and a place that existed for rest.

‘The nature out there was a dangerous place with few rules.’

The strong lived off of the weak, and the weak survived to preserve their lives in the hopes of giving birth to the other lives.

Those who had strength were the only creatures that could roam freely in these mountains, thus nature.

Only those who had strong wings could rule the skies above.

‘Their world was different from ours.’

There was pain and suffering.

There was an eternal threat to their lives.

One did not even know what might happen to them if they ever faced some strong being, ate some poisonous food, or faced grave difficulties.

They were beasts, creatures born in nature that were going to become one with nature after one point.

‘That was their fate.’

A sanctuary where they can get away from all those rules and laws of nature was the same as an utopia where the humans, or beings of the physical world, existed along with the beings of higher order. Continue your adventure at m|v-l’e-NovelFire

‘It was a fantastical idea that was made into truth by a merciful ruler that knew of suffering and was willing to sacrifice their own powers for their peace.’

They created this place for their subjects, and since it was created with originpowers with many rules and Laws in place, even if one wanted to come back here, unless they knew the meaning and purpose of this place like the beasts present here did, they could not return to this place.

‘One would forget the path they took to come here, and one would forget the important information about this place that might be used to hurt the creatures of this place.’

There was a reason only a few people had ever been to this place.

But, the rest of them weren’t even going to remember that reason once we go back.

“Calm down everyone. It’s just how things work in this special place.”

The existence of an elemental helix was very important for all the creatures of nature as it was a direct representation of the Nture’s authority.

‘A flower that connects two different worlds! in the perfect nature with perfect rules and laws, what more but this life form, could be the proof of Nature’s authority?’

This one flower was like an idol of worship for the creatures including the ruler that they offered their prayers to.

It was a place made and dedicated to the beasts and the creatures not for humans, fairies, elves, orcs, or any other higher being.

So, it was natural that as temporary guests of this special place, we would have to leave one day with only the good memories we had made in this place.

Living here forever was not even an option for us! at least until we decided to submit to the authority of the ruler of the mountains and become a subject of nature, leaving our humanity and accepting the fate of the beasts.

“We can certainly come back here someday if everyone wants, so you don’t have to worry about that at least.

Let’s just say our goodbyes and depart.”

Classes will resume from tomorrow and we have some important things to take care of in the academy starting tomorrow.

It was already late evening and we had already had our lunch with the rest of the creatures, so we had to leave now.

[ “We were happy to have you all young ones as we will love to have you again anytime.” ]

The ruler of the mountains, a nameless creature that only possessed his true title that we had no need to know.

‘They were a nice person, much nicer than most of the other creature possessing divinity in this world.’

Aside from the The Keeper possessing divinity granted to it by its creators, they were perhaps the only creature possessing divinity on this island.

The mountains were their home, their nation, and they were the maintainer with the duty to protect and preserve life on this land.

‘They were merciful unlike many other higher beings, and they found us interesting.’

Our presence in this place was the same as a camel’s presence in a salon.

People found it interesting, some even found it to be oppressive, but since it belonged to a sultan, they could not do anything about it.

Though the creatures of this place mostly did not find us oppressive.

Just like the ruler, they also found us interesting. And that! was going to be a good thing.

“We would visit again as well. Certainly.”

“I’ll miss you, cutie~!”

They started saying their farewells to the ruler hamster, to small rabbits and the big turtle.

The fishes were sad that Rexie and Quin were also going back, but they were fine with it if they promised to come visit them again.

‘It was a little emotional moment!’

But, it was peculiar and interesting for a few of us as well.

“You made it possible.” Cradle muttered as she looked at Rein and the rest of the ladies gathered around the Ruler.

“I’m just happy that they had fun! I will believe you did as well from that smile of yours.”


She would never say it, but I know she had fun with the rabbits and the other creatures.

She was especially happy to see Reun in that cheerful mood. Even the other ladies including the ever stoic Ezra and Miss Luna had fun with their partners and the creatures.

‘Seeing them all happy like that made this day special for many of us.’

And it brought us closer.

‘Which, actually, was the main point of this entire trip, in the first place.’

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