[Eon’s POV: ]
“That test…”
Starting with Carla, Tia, Lizzy, and Quin spoke up in such a harmony that the rest of us could not help but chuckle at their reaction.
“I told you all there was no need to worry about the test.”
“You should have told us in detail then, bastard.”
Rein was not happy that I didn’t even tell her. But, it was not like I did not tell her because I did not want to.
“We can’t break some Laws dear, please understand.”
The Law was made with many of the origin user’s powers so even if I can tell them with my higher authority, I could not risk the aftermath that might spread just because I broke the rule and told someone else the details of something that even I only got to know after my efforts.
“Hump. Excuses.”
The test was over and all of us had moved to the grand banquet hall in the inner area of the academy castle.
The teachers were present here, some were giving speeches, telling the students how their experiences had been with them until now, while lunch was being served to the rest of the students.
There were many tables present in this grand hall, so the students were sitting alone with their company that they will be parting ways with soon.
{ “The tests are over now, and many of you will be going home.” }
The one currently speaking was uncle El, the class teacher of class <A>.
He was one of the most beloved teachers of this academy and since he was someone that people looked up to, there were many students that were closely listening to what he was saying.
And, well, we were pretty much paying attention to him as well… but it wasn’t as deep as the other students from his class.
‘Our class teacher had already finished his turn and expressed how happy he will be after we are gone.’
He even indirectly cursed at us and some of his fellow teachers for being emotional.
‘It wasn’t like we were graduating and going away for good.’
We were merely finishing the first half of the first year. There was a ton of stuff still left just in the first year.
“Anyway dear darlings. What is everyone staying in their dorms gonna do?”
Rein looked at the ones who will not be going back to their home and just stay in their dorm rooms throughout the vacation.
Lizzy, Miss Mia, Even Ball and Miss Rexi were going to stay here.
Some did not have a proper home to go back to while some of them lived so far away that it wasn’t going to be worth it to go back and come back in their financial conditions.
Staying in the academy and doing some work to earn a little more was a better idea than going back so they were going to use this time to either do their research, take a long break from all their work, or work even when they were supposed to rest.
“I dunno… Med asked me if I wanted to help her around so I think I will be with her for a while? She invited me to her home but I’m thinking about that for now.”
“Oh! Do consider going with her~. She doesn’t look like it but she is quite rich. She owns an entire territory as well and lives in a big castle-like mansion.”
“Phuuuuuu! Ahem! It is NOT anything like a castle!”
Med was drinking water but she got so surprised that she ended up throwing all of it. Though, thankfully, she looked down and aimed it at her napkin.
Still though, it was inappropriate and if our Manner’s teacher was here, she would have surely been punished for the inappropriate mistake on the dining table.
“Don’t be shy, Med. Being wealthy isn’t always bad.”
Rein was teasing her already, but now even Carla joined in.
‘Both of them knew her family the best so they knew just how to tease her when the matter was related to money and her family’s generational wealth.’
The Glory viscounty was one of the oldest families of the empire that were associated directly with Heliox for generations.
Heliox was older, but it wasn’t part of the empire since the start.
‘Heliox was an independent state that governed the northern coast of the western continent.’
They were called the Protectors of the north even before they came under the Empire a few hundred years ago.
When the older Patriarch of the Heliox was granted the title of Marques, the highest title that a non-direct descendent of the imperial family could receive, many independent families of that time opposed their position.
However, the older patriarch that was also one of the strongest of His time, and was blessed by the Ocean god, took them all down in a peaceful battle of duels and tactics, showing them how even though they were nothing more than borderside nobodies, they had all the strength and qualifications to hold their positions.
‘Glory household had been one of the richest of that time even back then, and they joined with Heliox and formed an age long relationship, just like the Bell family.’
The previous lord of the Bell family, Alf’s grandfather was like a brother to my grandfather so uncle Theo and mom grew up just like real siblings while the current head of Glory recognised mom’s great potential and became her vessel even before she had built Hiraani.
‘He calls it one of the best decisions anyone would have ever made…’
The Glory household is one of the reasons mom was able to fight back against the people that framed her as a killer, so I’m always thankful to the old man for all he did. As well as for all he still does for her.
“Alright, alright you two. Enough now.” I had to step in now that even Tia and others had joined in on the fun and Med was starting to look like she was going to start crying.
“Let’s hear what Baal will be doing now, shall we?”
They obviously knew I wasn’t asking them. It was not even a request but a warning.
And the look I had was enough for them to stop their teasing session that almost made their friend tearful.
“So, Baal…”
The teachers’ speech was about sending their beloved students back for a short time. It was nothing emotional and since they would be meeting them soon anyway, there was no reason for these speeches either.
But uncle El still got emotional and almost made his students emotional in the process.
It was a little difficult for the students of his class now so their friends and other students from the other classes had to help them a little… which soon resulted in a chaotic situation.
“Hmm? Yes?”
She had been working on something she made the day before yesterday in her creation test since the day before yesterday and it seemed like she was struggling with it a little.
It wasn’t bad, but she was working hard for the first time and I had no idea what she was up to this time.
[{ “You can leave if you want. You don’t have to stick around-.” }]
[{ “Oh, no. I’m fine.” }]
She seemed lost in her thoughts. It was like she was stuck thinking about something and wasn’t paying attention to all that was going around her.
The others had not noticed it since she had that impeccable expression and her acting skills were great as well.
Others couldn’t tell she was lost in thought at all, not even Rein could tell it with her eyes.
But she could not hide anything from me.
[{ “I’m fine. The thing I’ve been working on should be done soon as well. And you know it’s a gift for you, right? Don’t ask me about that.” }]
[{ “Still. Seems like you didn’t sleep at all yesterday either.” }]
[{ “Haha, big brother. You know I can get by a few days without sleep. This is more important to me.” }]
She looked around the table filled with her friends– our friends.
There was a special warmth in her eyes that one could not explain as just liking for her friends.
‘It was closer to the joy towards this life…’
She was different from us ordinary humans so the world was also different for her. And yet, she was always happy that she gets to experience this ordinary life despite her unordinary origin.
[{ “I will sleep when we get back home. I promise.” }]
[{ “You better, or else I will have to step up.” }]
[{ “Hahaha, we can do a sleepover with Anna, of course. How does that sound~?” }]
I would be happy as long as she gets to rest. I did not need anymore more, and I did not have to say it either.
[{ “Alright.” }]
She knew what I wanted to say so she did not say anything much and… brought up the topic of Med being rich, brightening the mood once again.
These friends and this academy campus. We won’t be seeing it for a while now.
There will be more prominent issues for us to deal with, so we will have to focus on those things instead.
“Anyone up for some special dessert after this?”
“You’re making it…?!”
“I am! Count me in~!”
“Hey! I won that game! I get priority!”
But the time we have spent until now has been special.
Not only did we have fun with various things, various events, various fun games, and of course our classes, we even got to play and learn new things.
‘The special experiences starting from the house assignment and captain selection, the fun we had capturing the people that miss Moon controlled, the time on the outskirts with flamingoes… the alchemy competition and our visit to the elemental flower.’
There were difficult times, of course. The demonic cultists, the time in the Shudha, the new knowledge about the new problems, and the training with our new mentors was not easy.
The time we have been in this academy has been brief but in fact… it has not been short.
And still, we lived through all of that. Together…
“Did someone say Lucifer’s making dessert?!”
“Hey! I get priority as your vice president!”
“Hun? Vice president cradle?! Where did you two come from?!”
The time until now was fun…
‘And I know our time together after this small break will be fun as well.’
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