Surprisingly he didn’t seem like he wanted to argue but instead nodded in agreement. “An interesting way of looking at it and not far from what I have seen in my travels either. I’ve spied in all of the other villages at least once in all my years gathering information so I can say with certainty that they are just people like us with some minor cultural differences of course. That said that retarded mentality as you’ve called it is cultivated for a reason.” Jiraiya said seriously.
“Oh I know, it makes it easier on the mind to kill someone when you believe they deserve to die. While I may not specialize in treating mental issues I do still possess the knowledge of it.” I said bluntly.
After that Jiraiya and the two toads were shown my meditation chamber. It was rather funny how Jiraiya couldn’t even enter the room as he simply couldn’t control natural energy well enough to keep the dense stuff from trying to rampage in his body. The two toad sages had no such issue and if anything hopped through the chamber with ease and as a result got to see the liquid natural energy as well.-
“Hey Ma do you think this tree might be a root of THAT tree?” the green toad asked the other as they gazed at my towering crystalline tree.
“It might have been once but it’s clearly mutated into something else. Only the great sage could say for certain since only he personally witnessed the original tree.” the white toad with the afro said seriously.
“Fascinating, what tree are you referring to exactly?” I asked curiously.
“The God tree. According to the tales it was destroyed by the sage of six paths entirely but roots and fragments have been known to resurface occasionally.” the toad said sternly.
“And you believe this tree maybe be one of these roots that attempted to regrow but mutated along the way?” I asked and they nodded.
“Normal trees don’t affect natural energy like this. Even them mutated oaks in Shikkotsu forest aren’t like this. Only thing that might explain it if this is a part of the God tree that mutated and escaped the detection of the six paths sage.” the green toad said honestly.
“If I give you a branch do you think you could verify that?” I asked and they exchanged glances.
“We can try but are you sure? If it is a part of the God tree even a branch would be a priceless treasure for a sage.” The green toad said hesitantly.
I nod easily before casually flicking my finger at a branch slicing it off smoothly. I then held my hand open and a gentle wind softly placed it in my palm. “Here, do let me know what you find.” I say casually handing the branch over.
After that the two toads unsummoned themselves to get right on that.
Jiraiya also left shortly after that and went to complain to my sensei about the little prank she played on him. I myself had explained to Karin that I was going to be unavailable for some time as I worked on Zero release. I wasn’t taking so much caution when dealing with Kekkai genkai because if it came to it I could brute force stop any accidents with it. For Kekkai Tota however that was very much NOT the case anymore. If you tried to stop Dust release or Zero release with an overwhelming amount of single chakra nature attacks all you’ll achieve is redirecting it slightly or slowing it down momentarily.-
Dust release could be redirected but Zero release couldn’t be but could only be slowed down instead. I mean in theory you could over power the things with a single element but it really wasn’t cost effective. Rather than risk her safety I made sure Karin knew where I was and how dangerous what I was doing was. Thanks to this when I sealed the training ground she didn’t panic and try and bust in. That said she did use her clans sensory technique at least once a day to make sure I was still fine.-
My training for Zero release could be considered both simple and complicated. I first learned how to gauge how strong a certain amount of plain chakra would make it’s use and then how much more powerful the same amount of sage chakra would make it. An interesting thing I discovered was that sage chakra massively increased Zero releases effectiveness compared to normal jutsu being used with the stuff. Looking into it deeply I theorized that it was due to being closer to natural perfection than a Kekkai genkai or normal jutsu.-
Kekkai Tota had three of the five chakra natures in it after all so perhaps sage chakra was just that much more effective on it. Still I had to develop different techniques for the Kekkai Tota as Shiro’s way of using it was a bit too basic for shinobi use. He more or less just created a wave of Zero release around him how he needed to freeze whatever he wanted to freeze. I wanted actual techniques beyond that as simply frost nuking everything around me was not exactly the most useful of things. One thing I discovered however was that mixing the [rasengan] with Zero release was a VERY bad idea.-
Like almost messed myself up bad bad. As it turned out mixing an incredibly fast moving chakra rotation with what was pretty much the absence of movement causes a destructive reaction. That was kinda on me for trying to take the easy way out but still annoying. My first true technique with the Kekkai Tota was the [Shattering retaliation] technique. The way it worked was that I created a thin coat of Zero release around my body that if touched froze whatever touched it causing it to shatter. Admittedly it was a simple technique but it worked so I was fine with that.-
It also served as a basis for creating more techniques, a foundation if you would. While I absolutely could create techniques from scratch that was simply too inefficient and more importantly unnecessary. I had a vast amount of records and techniques at my disposal so obviously the most efficient method was to see if I could instead adapt them to Zero release in some way.
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