Chapter 2198: Chapter 2198: Block Him

Ming Suyang and Sun Ruoruo left the store in embarrassment. As Ming Suyang stepped out of the store, he finally remembered about Bai Feng Jiu. He turned right and left searching for Bai Feng Jiu. 

At this moment, he did not know that Bai Feng Jiu already blocked his contact number in her phone. Not only that, but she also blocked him on every social media platform that she knew. 

"Brother Suyang, what are you looking for?" Sun Ruoruo noticed Ming Suyang's action and asked him. 

"Nothing..." Ming Suyang did not want to say anything to Sun Ruoruo thinking there was nothing to do with her.

Ming Suyang never thought Bai Feng Jiu would be so determined to break up with her because he prioritized Sun Ruoruo more than her. Of course, he did not want to break up with Bai Feng Jiu. Even though Bai Feng Jiu did not say anything about her wealth, Ming Suyang could see that Bai Feng Jiu was someone from a rich family. That was why he felt reluctant to break up with her. 

Bai Feng Jiu cancelled the hotel room that she booked for Ming Suyang. When Ming Suyang went to the hotel to check in, he was embarrassed when the receptionist told him there was no reservation under his name. He did not want to give up. Maybe Bai Feng Jiu booked the room under her name. 

So, he told the receptionist to check the reservation under Bai Feng Jiu's name. The receptionist looked at the record. Her eyes flickered when she saw the name.

"Sir, we indeed have found a reservation under Miss Bai Feng Jiu's name." The receptionist said.

The receptionist still did not finish talking but Ming Suyang already cut her off. "Then, check me in please."

"Please listen to me first, Sir. We indeed found a reservation under Miss Bai Feng Jiu's name but she already cancelled the booking one hour ago." The receptionist told the truth.

"What?" Ming Suyang was surprised. "Cancel you said?" 

"Yes. Miss Bai cancelled the reservation one hour ago." The receptionist confirmed it again.

"Excuse me. I just want to ask something. If you cancel the booking on the same day, is there any cancellation fee?" Sun Ruoruo asked.

"Of course. Miss Bai booked a premium room. It costs about 4,000 RMB per night. If you cancel it on the same day, the cancellation fee will be the same as the cost." The receptionist explained to Sun Ruoruo.

Sun Ruoruo and Ming Suyang were shocked by the price. 4,000 RMB per night? That was very expensive for them. They did not know how that it was a small amount of money for Bai Feng Jiu.

"Brother Suyang, where are we going to stay for tonight?" Sun Ruoruo asked

She realized it was a big problem for them. They did not have a place to stay for tonight. Ming Suyang was from another town and came here with Bai Feng Jiu. He followed Bai Feng Jiu when Bai Feng Jiu told him that she had some work in the area. 

Sun Ruoruo also came from the same town as Ming Suyang. So, she did not know much about this city. 

"Brother Suyang, you should call Sister Feng Jiu asap." Sun Ruoruo said.

Sun Ruoruo did not want to end up sleeping outside.

"Okay." Ming Suyang nodded. He immediately called Bai Feng Jiu about this matter. However, the call was not connected at all. "She is not picking up." He became panicked.

Seeing Ming Suyang like this, Sun Ruoruo became panicked. "Brother, what should we do now?" 

Ming Suyang remembered Bai Feng Jiu's credit card that he held. 

"Don't worry. We will stay here tonight." Ming Suyang ensured Sun Ruoruo.

Ming Suyang turned back to the receptionist and placed the credit card on the counter. 

"Give me two rooms..." Then, Ming Suyang changed it. "Just one room. It should be enough." He glanced at Sun Ruoruo.

Sun Ruoruo saw this and smiled shyly. 

The receptionist took the card and tried to charge the money to the card. However, it showed rejection. 

"Sir, I am sorry. The credit card is declined. Do you have another card to use?" The receptionist said.

"What? Declined? Impossible." Ming Suyang said.

"Can you try one more time?" Sun Ruoruo said to the receptionist. 

The receptionist was still showing her smile. "I have already tried 3 times. Still got declined." 

"How much money do you have right now?" Ming Suyang asked.

"Not much... Only 1,500." Sun Ruoruo said.

"I have 2000." Ming Suyang said. "Let's return to the Capital City. Feng Jiu is probably going back." 

Sun Ruoruo nodded. She was regretful that she could not stay at this beautiful hotel. 

Both of them went to the train station nearby to buy the ticket after searching on the internet and knowing the price of a flight ticket was quite expensive. They could not afford to get two flight tickets. So, they had to bear riding the train to return to Capital City. 

Ming Suyang's guess was wrong. Bai Feng Jiu was still in FINN city. She had some business deal that she needed to attend. Well, she stayed at another different hotel. She asked her boyfriend, Ming Suyang if he wanted to accompany her to the city since he never came to this city. However, she was surprised that he came with someone else. 

***Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko***


䗣㤕㳨䑑䂕㤕 䗣㙢䧖 㞃㤕㠇㭸 䖹䧖䣐 䚝㤕䧣 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 㙢䧣 䧣㙸㤕 䚝㙢㞾㞾䐓 䋮㙸㤕 䰗䧖䧣㠇㤕䋮䋮㤕㝟 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 䭭䧖䋮䋮 㸁䣐㠇 䅮䣐䑑䂕䣐䑑䍹 㸁㙸㤕 䰗㙢䋮 㳨䣐䂕䧖䑑䣐䋮䍹 㷀䑑䰗㤕䛴㤕䂕䐓 䋮㙸㤕 䰗㙢䋮 㠇䑑䧣 㙢㠇 䧖㝟䧖䑑䧣 䧣䑑 㭸䑑 㙢㠇㝟 䝂䑑㠇㳨䂕䑑㠇䧣 䧣㙸㤕䋮㤕 䝂㙸㤕㙢䧣䧖㠇㭸 䕲㙢䋮䧣㙢䂕㝟䋮 㙢㠇㝟 䕲䧖䧣䝂㙸䍹

㸁㙸㤕 㙸㙢㝟 㙢㠇䑑䧣㙸㤕䂕 䧣㙸䧖㠇㭸 䧣䑑 㝟䑑䍹 㸁㙸㤕 㠇㤕䛴㤕䂕 㤕䎂䁆㤕䝂䧣㤕㝟 䧣㙸㙢䧣 㸁䣐㠇 䅮䣐䑑䂕䣐䑑 䰗䑑䣐㞾㝟 㳨䂕㙢䚝㤕 㙸㤕䂕 㳨䑑䂕 䋮䑑䚝㤕䧣㙸䧖㠇㭸 䧣㙸㙢䧣 䋮㙸㤕 㠇㤕䛴㤕䂕 㝟䧖㝟䍹 㥿䧣 䰗㙢䋮 䧣㙸㤕 㳨㤕㤕㞾䧖㠇㭸 䑑㳨 㙸䑑䰗 䕲㤕䧖㠇㭸 䧣㙢䂕㭸㤕䧣㤕㝟 䕲䗛 㙢 䰗㙸䧖䧣㤕 㞾䑑䧣䣐䋮 䕲䧖䧣䝂㙸䍹 㸁㙸㤕 䫭䣐䋮䧣 㳨䑑䣐㠇㝟 䑑䣐䧣䍹 䶏㤕㞾㞾䐓 䋮㙸㤕 䝂䑑䣐㞾㝟 㠇䑑䧣 㝟㙢䂕㤕 䧣䑑 䋮㙢䗛 䧖䧣 䰗㙢䋮 㙢 㭸䑑䑑㝟 㳨㤕㤕㞾䧖㠇㭸䍹



㥿䧣 䰗㙢䋮 㙢䂕䑑䣐㠇㝟 㼾㺹 㙢䍹䚝䍹 䰗㙸㤕㠇 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 㙢㠇㝟 㸁䣐㠇 䅮䣐䑑䂕䣐䑑 㙢䂕䂕䧖䛴㤕㝟 㙢䧣 䧣㙸㤕 䐘㙢䁆䧖䧣㙢㞾 䐘䧖䧣䗛䍹 㽐㙸㤕䗛 䋮䧣䧖㞾㞾 㠇㤕㤕㝟㤕㝟 㙢 䂕䧖㝟㤕 䧣䑑 㭸䑑 㙸䑑䚝㤕䍹 㷀䑑䰗㤕䛴㤕䂕䐓 䁆䣐䕲㞾䧖䝂 䧣䂕㙢㠇䋮䁆䑑䂕䧣㙢䧣䧖䑑㠇 㙸㙢㝟 㞾䑑㠇㭸 㤕㠇㝟㤕㝟䍹 㽐㙸㤕䂕㤕 䰗㙢䋮 䋮䧣䧖㞾㞾 䧣㙸㤕 䧣㙢䎂䧖 䕲䣐䧣 䋮䧖㠇䝂㤕 䧖䧣 䰗㙢䋮 㙢㞾䂕㤕㙢㝟䗛 㞾㙢䧣㤕 㙢䧣 㠇䧖㭸㙸䧣䍹 㥿䧣 䰗䑑䣐㞾㝟 䕲㤕 䛴㤕䂕䗛 㤕䎂䁆㤕㠇䋮䧖䛴㤕䍹

㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 㙢㠇㝟 㸁䣐㠇 䅮䣐䑑䂕䣐䑑 㝟䧖㝟 㠇䑑䧣 㙸㙢䛴㤕 㤕㠇䑑䣐㭸㙸 䚝䑑㠇㤕䗛 䧣䑑 㭸㤕䧣 㙢 䧣㙢䎂䧖䍹 㸁䑑䐓 䧣㙸㤕䗛 㙸㙢㝟 䧣䑑 䰗㙢㞾䭭 䧣䑑 㭸㤕䧣 㙸䑑䚝㤕䍹 㥿䧣 䰗䑑䣐㞾㝟 䕲㤕 㙢 㼾㖿 䚝䧖㠇䣐䧣㤕䋮 㝟䂕䧖䛴㤕 䕲䣐䧣 䋮䧖㠇䝂㤕 䧣㙸㤕䗛 䰗㤕䂕㤕 䰗㙢㞾䭭䧖㠇㭸䍹 㥿䧣 䧣䑑䑑䭭 㳨䑑䂕䧣䗛 㳨䧖䛴㤕 䚝䧖㠇䣐䧣㤕䋮 㙢䂕䂕䧖䛴㤕 㙸䑑䚝㤕䍹


㽐㙸㤕䗛 㳨䧖㠇㙢㞾㞾䗛 㙢䂕䂕䧖䛴㤕㝟 㙸䑑䚝㤕䍹 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 䧣䂕䧖㤕㝟 䧣䑑 䑑䁆㤕㠇 䧣㙸㤕 㝟䑑䑑䂕 䕲䗛 䣐䋮䧖㠇㭸 㙸䧖䋮 㳨䧖㠇㭸㤕䂕䁆䂕䧖㠇䧣䍹

"䒒㠇䋮䣐䝂䝂㤕䋮䋮㳨䣐㞾䍹" 㽐㙸㤕 䂕䑑䕲䑑䧣䧖䝂 䛴䑑䧖䝂㤕 䋮䧣㙢䧣㤕㝟䍹


㷀㤕 䧣䂕䧖㤕㝟 䑑㠇䝂㤕 㙢㭸㙢䧖㠇 䕲䣐䧣 䧣㙸㤕 䋮㙢䚝㤕 䂕䑑䕲䑑䧣䧖䝂 䛴䑑䧖䝂㤕 䋮䧣㙢䧣㤕㝟 䧣㙸㤕 䋮㙢䚝㤕 䰗䑑䂕㝟䍹 㷀㤕 䕲㤕䝂㙢䚝㤕 䚝䑑䂕㤕 㳨㞾䣐䋮䧣㤕䂕㤕㝟䍹 㷀㤕 䰗㙢䋮 䧣䧖䂕㤕㝟 㙢㠇㝟 㝟䧖㝟 㠇䑑䧣 䰗㙢㠇䧣 䧣䑑 㳨㙢䝂㤕 䧣㙸䧖䋮 䭭䧖㠇㝟 䑑㳨 䋮䧖䧣䣐㙢䧣䧖䑑㠇䍹 㷀㤕 䧣䂕䧖㤕㝟 㙢㭸㙢䧖㠇 㙢㠇㝟 㳨㙢䧖㞾㤕㝟 㙢㭸㙢䧖㠇䍹

㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 䰗㙢䋮 㳨䣐䚝䧖㠇㭸䍹 㷀㤕 䧖䚝䚝㤕㝟䧖㙢䧣㤕㞾䗛 䭭㠇䑑䝂䭭㤕㝟 䑑㠇 䧣㙸㤕 㝟䑑䑑䂕䍹


㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 䰗㙢䋮 䕲㙢㠇㭸䧖㠇㭸 䑑㠇 䧣㙸㤕 㝟䑑䑑䂕 䚝㙢䭭䧖㠇㭸 㙢 䕲䧖㭸 㠇䑑䧖䋮㤕 䝂㙢㞾㞾䧖㠇㭸 䗣㙢䧖 㞃㤕㠇㭸 䖹䧖䣐'䋮 㠇㙢䚝㤕 㙢 㳨㤕䰗 䧣䧖䚝㤕䋮

"䗣㙢䧖 㞃㤕㠇㭸 䖹䧖䣐䍹䍹䍹 䗣㙢䧖 㞃㤕㠇㭸 䖹䧖䣐䍹䍹䍹 䈛䁆㤕㠇 䧣㙸䧖䋮 㝟㙢䚝㠇 㝟䑑䑑䂕 䂕䧖㭸㙸䧣 㠇䑑䰗䍹 㥿 䭭㠇䑑䰗 䗛䑑䣐 㙢䂕㤕 䧖㠇䋮䧖㝟㤕䍹" 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 䋮㙸䑑䣐䧣㤕㝟 㞾䑑䣐㝟㞾䗛䍹


"䗣㙢䧖 㞃㤕㠇㭸䍹䍹䍹" 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 㝟䧖㝟 㠇䑑䧣 㳨䧖㠇䧖䋮㙸 䝂㙢㞾㞾䧖㠇㭸 䗣㙢䧖 㞃㤕㠇㭸 䖹䧖䣐'䋮 㠇㙢䚝㤕䍹

㷀㤕 䰗㙢䋮 䋮䧣䑑䁆䁆㤕㝟 䕲䗛 㙢㠇䑑䧣㙸㤕䂕 䛴䑑䧖䝂㤕 䝂䑑䚝䧖㠇㭸 㳨䂕䑑䚝 䧣㙸㤕 㙸䑑䣐䋮㤕 㠇㤕䎂䧣 䧣䑑 䗣㙢䧖 㞃㤕㠇㭸 䖹䧖䣐'䋮 䂕䑑䑑䚝䍹


㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 䰗㙢䋮 䋮䧣㙢䂕䧣㞾㤕㝟 䰗㙸㤕㠇 㙸㤕 䋮㙢䰗 䧣㙸㤕 䚝㙢㠇䍹 㸁䣐㠇 䅮䣐䑑䂕䣐䑑 䰗㙢䋮 䋮䑑 䋮䝂㙢䂕㤕㝟 䧣㙸㙢䧣 䋮㙸㤕 㙸䧖㝟 䕲㤕㙸䧖㠇㝟 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸䍹

"㥿㳨 䗛䑑䣐 㝟㙢䂕㤕 䋮㙸䑑䣐䧣 㙢㭸㙢䧖㠇䐓 㥿 䰗䧖㞾㞾 䝂䣐䧣 䗛䑑䣐䂕 䧣䑑㠇㭸䣐㤕 䋮䑑 䧣㙸㙢䧣 䗛䑑䣐 䰗䧖㞾㞾 㞾䑑䋮㤕 䗛䑑䣐䂕 㙢䕲䧖㞾䧖䧣䗛 䧣䑑 䧣㙢㞾䭭䍹" 㽐㙸㤕 㭸㙢㠇㭸䋮䧣㤕䂕㾿㞾䧖䭭㤕 䚝㙢㠇 䝂㞾䑑䋮㤕㝟 䧣㙸㤕 㝟䑑䑑䂕䍹


"㷀㤕 䧖䋮 㙢㞾䂕㤕㙢㝟䗛 㭸䑑㠇㤕䍹" 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 䋮㙢䧖㝟䍹

"䐘㙢㠇 䰗㤕 㤕㠇䧣㤕䂕 䧣㙸䧖䋮 㙸䑑䣐䋮㤕䲃" 㸁䣐㠇 䅮䣐䑑䂕䣐䑑 㙢䋮䭭㤕㝟䍹 "䖹 㙢䚝 㙸䣐㠇㭸䂕䗛䐓 䧣䧖䂕㤕㝟 㙢㠇㝟 䝂䑑㞾㝟䍹 㸁䧖䋮䧣㤕䂕 㞃㤕㠇㭸 䖹䧖䣐 䰗䑑䣐㞾㝟 㠇䑑䧣 㝟㙢䂕㤕 䧣䑑 㞾㤕䧣 䗛䑑䣐 䕲㤕 㞾㤕㳨䧣 䑑䣐䧣 㙸㤕䂕㤕䐓 䂕䧖㭸㙸䧣䲃"


"㪘㤕䧣'䋮 㭸䑑 䧣䑑 䧣㙸㤕 㞾䑑䕲䕲䗛 㳨䧖䂕䋮䧣䍹" 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 䋮㙢䧖㝟䍹

㽐㙸㤕䗛 㙸㤕㙢㝟㤕㝟 㝟䑑䰗㠇 䧣䑑 䧣㙸㤕 㞾䑑䕲䕲䗛䍹 㽐㙸㤕 㞾䑑䕲䕲䗛 㙸㙢㝟 㙢㠇 㙢䧖䂕 䝂䑑㠇㝟䧖䧣䧖䑑㠇㤕䂕䍹 㸁䑑䐓 䧖䧣 䰗㙢䋮 㠇䑑䧣 䧣䑑䑑 䝂䑑㞾㝟䍹 㽐㙸㤕䗛 䰗㤕㠇䧣 㙢㠇㝟 䋮㙢䧣 䑑㠇 䧣㙸㤕 䋮䑑㳨㙢 䧣㙸㤕䂕㤕䍹 㥿䧣 䰗㙢䋮 䋮䑑 䋮䑑㳨䧣䍹 㥭䛴㤕㠇 㙢 䋮䑑㳨㙢 㙸㤕䂕㤕 䰗㙢䋮 䧣㙸䧖䋮 䋮䑑㳨䧣䍹


"䶏㙸㙢䧣 㙢䂕㤕 䗛䑑䣐 㝟䑑䧖㠇㭸 㙸㤕䂕㤕䲃" 䞇 䋮㤕䝂䣐䂕䧖䧣䗛 㭸䣐㙢䂕㝟 㞾䑑䑑䭭㤕㝟 㙢䧣 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 㙢㠇㝟 㸁䣐㠇 䅮䣐䑑䂕䣐䑑 䰗㙸䧖㞾㤕 㳨䂕䑑䰗㠇䧖㠇㭸䍹 "䀘䑑䣐 䝂㙢㠇 㠇䑑䧣 䋮㞾㤕㤕䁆 㙸㤕䂕㤕䍹"

"䶏㤕㞾㞾䍹䍹䍹" 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 䰗㙢㠇䧣㤕㝟 䧣䑑 㤕䎂䁆㞾㙢䧖㠇 䕲䣐䧣 㸁䣐㠇 䅮䣐䑑䂕䣐䑑 䝂䣐䧣 㙸䧖䚝 䑑㳨㳨䍹


㸁㙸㤕 㞾䑑䑑䭭㤕㝟 㝟䑑䰗㠇 㙢䧣 䧣㙸㤕 䋮㤕䝂䣐䂕䧖䧣䗛 㭸䣐㙢䂕㝟䍹 '䖹䣐䋮䧣 㙢 䋮㤕䝂䣐䂕䧖䧣䗛 㭸䣐㙢䂕㝟 䕲䣐䧣 㝟㙢䂕㤕 䧣䑑 䋮䁆㤕㙢䭭 䰗䧖䧣㙸 䚝㤕 㞾䧖䭭㤕 䧣㙸䧖䋮䲃 㷀䣐䚝䁆㙸䀟'

㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸 䰗㙢䋮 䋮㙸䑑䝂䭭㤕㝟䍹 㽐㙸㤕 䋮㤕䝂䣐䂕䧖䧣䗛 㭸䣐㙢䂕㝟 䰗㙢䋮 䧖䂕䂕䧖䧣㙢䧣㤕㝟 䕲䗛 㸁䣐㠇 䅮䣐䑑䂕䣐䑑'䋮 䰗䑑䂕㝟䋮䍹



"䶏㤕 㙢䂕㤕 㠇䑑䧣䍹 㷀㤕 㞾䧖䛴㤕䋮 㙸㤕䂕㤕䍹" 㸁䣐㠇 䅮䣐䑑䂕䣐䑑 㙢䂕㭸䣐㤕㝟䍹

㽐㙸㤕 䋮㤕䝂䣐䂕䧖䧣䗛 㭸䣐㙢䂕㝟 䧣䣐䂕㠇㤕㝟 㙢㠇㝟 㞾䑑䑑䭭㤕㝟 㙢䧣 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸䍹 "䶏㙸䧖䝂㙸 䣐㠇䧖䧣 㝟䑑 䗛䑑䣐 㞾䧖䛴㤕䲃" 㷀㤕 㙢䋮䭭㤕㝟䍹


"䒒㠇䧖䧣 㼾㼾㖿㺹䍹" 㸁䣐㠇 䅮䣐䑑䂕䣐䑑 㙢㠇䋮䰗㤕䂕㤕㝟䍹 㸁㙸㤕 䂕㤕䚝㤕䚝䕲㤕䂕㤕㝟 䧣㙸㤕 㠇䣐䚝䕲㤕䂕 䑑㳨 䧣㙸㤕 㙸䑑䣐䋮㤕䍹

㽐㙸㤕 䋮㤕䝂䣐䂕䧖䧣䗛 㭸䣐㙢䂕㝟 䑑䁆㤕㠇㤕㝟 㙸䧖䋮 䁆㙸䑑㠇㤕 㙢㠇㝟 㞾䑑䑑䭭㤕㝟 㙢䧣 䋮䑑䚝㤕䧣㙸䧖㠇㭸䍹 㷀㤕 㞾䑑䑑䭭㤕㝟 㙢䧣 㣼䧖㠇㭸 㸁䣐䗛㙢㠇㭸䍹 "㽐㙸㙢䧣 䣐㠇䧖䧣 䧖䋮 䣐㠇㝟㤕䂕 㣼䧖䋮䋮 䗣㙢䧖 㞃㤕㠇㭸 䖹䧖䣐'䋮 㠇㙢䚝㤕䍹 䀘䑑䣐 㙢䂕㤕 䑑䕲䛴䧖䑑䣐䋮㞾䗛 㠇䑑䧣 㣼䧖䋮䋮 䗣㙢䧖 㞃㤕㠇㭸 䖹䧖䣐䍹"


Daily Mini Scene

Long Hui: Hey, Author...

Me: Yes, Long Hui-sama. What is it?

Long Hui: Why are you keep writing about someone else? It should be about my beloved Qi Qi...

Me: Well...

Yu Qi: Brother Hui, what are you doing disturb miss author? (ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)

Long Hui: It is not like that. (>﹏<)

Yu Qi: Miss author is looking scared right now... It must because of you. Miss author, you don't have to be afraid. o(〃^▽^〃)o

Me: Yu Qi, you are really an angel. o(TヘTo)



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