Chapter 1065 -1064


As soon as Anon landed in between the saleks, all of them got scared for a second and stepped away from him.

“D-Danger ?”

“W-What is he ?”

“T-This is not good.”


As Anon raised his head and looked at the Saleks he noticed that all of them were talking like normal people and most of them were scared of him.

🎵 There lived a certain man in Russia long ago… 🎵

Anon started singing as he summoned his sickles.

The Saleks knew that Anon is going to attack and they didn’t wanted him to have the upper hand.

“ATTACKKKKK….” One of the salek shouted as he immediately started running towards Anon with his claws out.

🎵… He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow. 🎵


But before he could’ve even reached near Anon’s body, blood started coming out of his whole body and he died on the spot.


“H-How did that happen ?”

“H-He didn’t even move from his position.”

All the Saleks got afraid of Anon and stepped away from him because they knew that Anon is not weak.

“Huh…? So what ? He is still alive that means he can be killed. Attack from all the sides and target his legs.” The Salek commander commanded from the back.

“Attack from all sides.” A Salek shouted loudly.


“I will kill you.”

Suddenly, Saleks started coming towards Anon from all directions with full speed.

🎵 Most people looked at him with terror and with fear… 🎵 Anon sang as he used his skill and raised his hand in the air.


“What the-!?”

“I-I can’t move my body ?”

“This is-”

“I-I am floating in air. I-I am floating.”

“M-Me too.”

All the Saleks that were moving towards Anon, froze in their positions and started hovering into the air.

🎵… But to Moscow Chicks, he was such a lovely dear. 🎵

As soon as Anon finished this line, soil started coming out of the ground and 10ft deep holes got created under the hovering Saleks.

Anon looked at the Saleks and gave them a smirk…





Over 150 Saleks fell down into the holes and the soil immediately filled them up, leaving them completely sealed into the ground, Alive.

As soon as the general noticed this… His forehead started sweating really bad.

“W-W-What in the world have we called here ?” He spoke with a serious and scared expression.


Muria and Tria stepped up over the wall and looked at Anon with a serious expression.

“Who is that guy, General ?” Muria asked as she turned her head towards the general, but she was left shocked to notice that the general’s face is fully covered in sweat.

“You are over a million and I will kill you in a million ways tonight.” Anon spoke with a smile as he noticed that a salek is trying to sneak on him from the back.

“DIEEEE…” The salek shouted as he jumped at Anon with his claws wide open.


Anon didn’t even look back and Stabbed his sickle’s tip into his long beak.

The salek’s beak got stuck on Anon’s sickle and no matter how he flinched… He couldn’t get free.


Anon grabbed the Salek’s neck and pulled out his neck along with his long spinal cord.


The soldiers who were getting ready for the first engage saw this and felt nothing but shivers travelling to the core of their body.

All the other soldiers decide to watch what was going on and all of them climbed over the wall.


Suddenly, the Saleks stopped attacking Anon and stepped aside… It was as if they are making way for someone.


“You are not one of them… are you ?” A sound came from the forest, a very deep voice.


“T-That Aura… It’s a commander, A salek commander.” The general spoke as he immediately shouted loudly to let Anon know.

“I have to save him…” Muria spoke as she immediately jumped down from the wall and Tria jumped with her.

But Anon was aware of his presence from the start.


As the Salek general stepped out of the forest, Anon noticed that his figure was very different from the other Saleks.

His body was as big as an ogre, he was muscular and on his head he had about 10 eyes on every angle of his head and a huge sharp beak.

His claws weren’t spreaded all over his hand Just like the other Saleks, but instead they were coming out of his fingers and his knuckles.

He had four hands and two legs… His legs were covered in the same material that the fairies used to strengthen their wings.

‘They Learned how to use it and now they are using it against them. Now, I understand why they are the apex predators.’ Anon thought in his mind.

The Salek Commander walked upto him and stood right in front of him.

As he looked at Anon… The salek commander tried to figure out his weak points.

“You aren’t one of them, are you ? I can sense the overwhelming magic and Bloodlust coming out of your body.” The Salek Commander spoke.

Anon didn’t reply and continued to stare at him.

“Join us and the Queen will give you powers beyond your expectations. You will see a whole new world and you can rule those weak creatures as well.” The Salek Commander spoke as he raised his hand towards Anon after retracting his claws.

“Step away from him. He is a Salek Commander, he is thousand folds more stronger than these saleks.” Muria spoke from behind as she immediately pointed her sword at the salek commander.

“I know it and you know it… This fairy is no threat to me and I can kill both of them before they can even blink.

They are weak… But, you have a chance to become stronger, Join-”

Suddenly Anon raised his hand and gestured him to stop talking.

“What made you think, I am weak ?” Anon asked with a psychopathic smile as he used his skill.

<Command Of the Sea King>

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