Chapter 912 The Black Forest's Village

Chapter 912 The Black Forest's Village

Experience more tales on empire

Eisen's journey was relatively short. With his size and the enchantments carved into his demonic wings, Eisen could move faster than any ship and could probably catch up to commercial airplanes rather easily. There were a few airborne monsters that were trying to bother him on the way, but Eisen either flew past them or just cut them in half with the greatsword from his soul storage.

Before long, at the edge of the horizon, the central continent came into view. Ships became a more common sight, and Litgern's harbor came and went. Once the old man oriented himself, he quickly steered toward the north to reach the dark forest. By the time he reached it, though, the sun was starting to set, so Eisen decided to stop by in a town at the forest's edge for now, and then continue on tomorrow. Apparently, the dark forest was hard to navigate even during the day, not to mention that Eisen had to learn something about the black dragon that lived in the forest in the first place. This being one of the few towns at the forest's edge, it seemed fair to assume he would find something out here. To avoid being spotted and drawing too much attention, Eisen landed at a location a bit outside of town. Fafnir landed right next to him, and so, Eisen attached the carriage to the young dungeon so that he could pull it the rest of the way.

Eisen walked alongside Fafnir to act as a sort of guard for now. From inside the carriage, Melissa was sending out a large number of scout bees that could already start searching the area for not only traces of a dragon, but also for traces of the dungeon that the transcendent monster was apparently hiding within. Before long, the gates of the small town came closer. The guards standing outside seemed quite on edge, and when they saw Fafnir, they drew their weapons defensively. But of course, Eisen quickly stepped in front of him and intervened.

"Is everything alright?" he asked, and the guards quickly turned and stared at him.

"Why do you have a dragon with you?" one of them asked, and Eisen quickly began laughing.

"Dragon? Oh, no, he's not a dragon, though people mistake him for one a lot, and I do see why," Eisen pointed out, carefully patting Fafnir's back, "He's a rock lizard that I picked up by the wasteland. He happened to evolve wings, but he's certainly no dragon."

Eisen let his charisma and demonic influence flow into his voice, helping him convince the two guards that he was telling the truth. Though, even without that, they seemed too exhausted to fight against the claim in the first place.

"Right... our apologies. Even so... what business do you have in this town?"

"I heard there was a dungeon somewhere in this forest. I'm a craftsman, you see, and I heard there were many rare materials to be found in dungeons," he explained, "So I'm here with my apprentices and immediately, the guards seemed to relax even more. Of course, Parc and Rouge weren't actually here, but it was easier to pass the monster kids as well as Sky and Bree as his apprentices or something along those lines than explain why an old man travelling around with what appeared to be some kids was looking for a dangerous dungeon.

"Got it, okay... and here we thought you were another one of those maniacs trying to find-" one of the guards started, but the one standing next to him quickly hit his side to interrupt him and continued speaking instead.

"You are in the right place. There is a path that leads directly to the dungeon, but you should consider hiring an escort at the adventurer's guild. Or, better even, simply request the materials that you would like. I heard the guild has a material compendium," he explained, and Eisen nodded his head with a curious expression.

"I see, thank you! I will certainly consider doing so. Now, have a good rest of your shift," Eisen stepped through the gate without further ado. He quickly looked around and got a grasp of the town. It was pretty rundown. Practically disheveled. The people were frail, thin, and sick. The only ones that seemed to be doing relatively well were the players that were roaming through the streets, with openly brandished weapons.

Eisen pulled a hood over his face, trying to at least somewhat hide his identity. He wasn't going to be here for long, so there was no need to go all too far. He walked through the town, obviously drawing attention of not just those players, but also the townfolk. Fafnir wasn't particularly subtle, after all. But for now, Eisen just walked straight to where the adventurer's guild seemed to be. When he walked, though, something was thrown his way. A rock hit his head.

It wasn't a strong attack. Even on earth before his body was strengthened, it would have been nothing more than a small bump. After all, it was thrown by a kid, sobbing as she looked at Eisen with an angry, hateful glare.

"G-Get away! Don't bring the evil dragons here!" she yelled out, and Eisen could hear the laughs of some players in the background as a woman rushed up to the girl, pulling her toward her, as if trying to protect the girl from the retaliation that everyone was so sure was about to come.

The old man noticed the girl's pale skin and the dark circles under her bloodshot eyes. She was thin. Just so, so thin. Letting out a loud groan, Eisen squatted down in front of the girl, carefully glancing at her. He pushed his hand into the ground, grabbing something from his item storage. It was something he developed together with Jyuuk; an item to diagnose diseases or deficiencies.

He placed the glasses onto his face, taking a closer look at the girl. Pneumonia, malnutrition... a little girl that lived in a forest somehow seemed close to developing scurvy. And that wasn't even all. Everyone here in this village was sick with so many things. Meanwhile, as Eisen looked to the side, he saw some players happily eating some kind of pie. Marks that seemed like a guild's insignia were scattered across the area, either on posters or just drawn onto random walls. Most of the players also wore it on their clothes.

"Hm... what's the local poultry?"

"E-Excuse me?" the woman, clearly the girl's mother, asked.

"Chicken? Pheasant? No, this smell is... cockatrice, huh? Life in these parts must be rather tough," the old man said, cracking his knuckles. The girl and her mother flinched, as Eisen once again pushed his hands into the ground. This time, he pulled out a large barrel.

"Melissa, spread out this potion to every villager. Sky, start up 'The King who ruled the Kitchen'. Caria and Sal, you're on hunting duty; hunt two dozen cockatrices, the higher the rank the better. But come back within the hour," Eisen said loudly, standing up straight as everyone jumped out of the carriage and got to work. Melissa's bees flowed out from her hoodie and flew toward the barrel. Their translucent, vial-like bodies were filled with the mint green potion. It wasn't an all-cure, but it would make sure to cure some of the more common diseases here. Eisen would make sure to take care of everything later.

Meanwhile, Sky got out his storybook and started reading. His Inkheart magic quickly summoned up a kitchen and the assistants that helped out the main character, who Sky quickly had Eisen become the incarnation of. Of course, Caria and Sal headed out without a word, clearly upset at the state of this place. But that wasn't all.

"Fafnir, open the gate, and Sigurd, get out all the rice, the prepped chicken stock, and the aged ginger. Oh, and don't forget the spring onions. Bree, you're my right hand tonight."

"Aye, aye!" Bree exclaimed with a quick salute, as Fafnir coiled up and created the dungeon's gate, where a number of dungeon monsters quickly brought all the ingredients that Eisen asked for to the dungeon's entrance. The villagers were all yelping out in confusion as they were stung by the bees, but were even more confused when they could feel themselves almost immediately feel better.

But the people that complained first weren't the ones that were being practically 'attacked' out of nowhere, but rather, the players that realized what Eisen was actually doing. They realized that Eisen was trying to feed this village.

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