Chapter 1380 Acquiring A Class (3)

Chapter 1380  Acquiring A Class (3)

In the formation of his Class, the Primordial Record understood that the nine Supreme Circles created by Rowan were excluded, and so it focused on the nine that were not.

Maybe it was because of the intense damage they suffered, but when the Primordial Record reached out for the Supreme Circle, their struggles were not as intense as Rowan would have thought, and it did not take long for them to break.

The first Circle selected by the Primordial Record was the ninth, perhaps it was because it was the strongest and the Singularity needed fuel for it to create his Class, but the Primordial Record did not start from the least, but from the greatest.

It was easy to look at the circle as a simple ring of bronze, but Rowan knew the resources that he had poured into a single one of these circles would have created ten thousand universes. Without the resources gathered by the World Stele from countless dimensions, it would have taken Rowan hundreds of millions of years perhaps even billions to build one complete Circle.

The ninth Circle gave a low groan and then buckled inward as if there was a vast gravitational force emerging from Rowan’s core. It collapsed and fell into his body, and when he focused his consciousness closer on the circle, every fragment of it was larger than a universe, and he could already count millions of fragments falling towards his core.

His dimension rippled as he looked on in awe as the Supreme Circle was broken and fell, like ten million collapsing universes. How many immortals in existence would be blessed with a sight like this in their endless lives?

Rowan traced the collapsing portion of the Supreme Circle as they fell into the Primordial Record and vanished into the Singularity without leaving any ripple, and then a loud blast erupted from the Primordial Record as if it had just ejected something that was inside the Supreme Circle that it did not require.

A flash of terrible pain assaulted the mind of Rowan as well as a faint scream that contained words that were almost indecipherable… almost.

Those words were Enochian.

This enigmatic language had followed Rowan since he was a mortal, and a part of him had an innate dislike for it, and it was the reason that he had not fully explored this power. There was simply something about it that made him uneasy.


Class Formation:73%

Observing the increase in the formation of his Class after the addition of one Supreme Circle, Rowan nodded in satisfaction. The projections of the Primordial Record were correct, this was the right path for gaining his Class, and Rowan no longer hesitated and allowed the Singularity to have free reign.

Most would consider his actions to be insane. The feat of having the nine complete Supreme Circle was a requirement for becoming a Primordial in this Supreme Era, then what would it mean if he had eighteen?! With the nature of the Supreme Circle, once destroyed, particularly with the method that Rowan was using, it could no longer be reforged. ‘Never be afraid of change. Never be afraid of giving up something for your vision. Change is the only path to progress!’

His eighth Supreme Circle crumbled, and they were sucked into the Primordial Record, and in a short while, another blast of power erupted from the Singularity, followed by eldritch whispers that Rowan focused on hearing. Their importance was great, the meaning teased at his consciousness, and despite the pain, he wanted to understand it.

Class Formation:80%

The seventh Supreme Circle followed not long after, crumbling inward into Rowan’s core and assimilated by the Primordial Record. There was a rumble in his consciousness and Rowan was not even aware that in his agitation from the whispers he was trying to catch, his hands of destruction were squeezing the armrest of his throne, causing this incredibly dense structure to glow white hot with heat, and slowly shrink as the throne began to vanish

Class Formation:85%

With the three upper Supreme Circles gone, Rowan felt the weight of the Supreme Circles that he was carrying reduced.

It was a testament to his fortitude that Rowan had not gone insane carrying two instances of the complete Supreme Circle as a fifth-dimensional immortal. However, these were the silent invisible benefits that his Primordial Ouroboros Serpent bloodline gave him, and as a living dimension, his endurance had reached a state that was impossible for any immortal at his level of beyond.

It could also not be denied that Rowan’s threshold for discomfort was also impossibly high, and he had been under severe mental strain as he carried all of his abilities, but he did not show it, and even if the weight of his abilities were ten times heavier, he would not show any sign of strain in his consciousness.

Thenos, a powerful eighth-dimensional Breaker, had begged for death when his soul was bombarded by the pain that every soul that had ever lived in Doom Star experienced. This was the final trap that Rowan had set for this immortal, and in order for Thenos to feel that pain, Rowan who was the carrier of it, had to endure it a thousand times over.

It was almost impossible to imagine that level of pain. The souls that Rowan had consumed from the World Stele were almost infinite, and that had come with a price. A price that he paid without blinking an eye. Every single one of his achievements had been earned and it was not just his powers that made Rowan special, another Immortal being given Rowan’s powers would go insane in an instant before they would tear their soul to pieces to escape the incredible weight of his existence.

Yet, there was something wrong about the weight of the Supreme Circles, and it was only because Rowan was a masochistic powerhouse that he did not regard the exaggerated weight that they carried as anything that made him ignore it.

Each of these Supreme Circles, especially the ninth weighed as much as all of the Supreme Circles that he had created.

This was not normal, and it suggested to Rowan that there were other parts of the Circle that even he as the supposed creator was not able to touch, and if he had been hesitating about destroying the Circles in the least, that unwillingness was fully gone. ®

At this moment being free from the weight of three Supreme Circles was not his concern, Rowan was frowning as he tried to decipher the Enochian words that were blasting out of the Primordial Record.

When the Singularity reached out for the next Supreme Circle, which was the sixth, Rowan aided it, adding more fuel to the pull. Instead of one Supreme Circle falling into the Primordial Record, there were three. He thought he heard a sigh of exasperation from the Primordial Record, but Rowan would appease it in the future, what he needed to know was the meaning behind the voices that were emerging from the destroyed Supreme Circles, they tickled at a mystery that had been disturbing him almost from the beginning.

Three successive blasts emerged from the Primordial Record, and Rowan almost clutched his head under the waves of pain that assaulted his consciousness, but his eyes were bright and burning like suns, and the meaning of the whispers was becoming clearer.

Class Formation: 97%

Another wave of relief from the reduced weight he was carrying made his shoulders firm up, and Rowan closed his eyes, knowing that acquiring his Class was now a foregone conclusion, and so he sank into the words he had just learned.

The last of the Supreme Circles began to vibrate as if they understood that the end was coming. The Primordial Record did not hold back, the third Supreme Circle shattered and was drawn to his core, and pain and the faint whispers of secrets erupted from his core.

Class Formation: 99%

There were two more Supreme Circles left, enough to push his class to completion, and the vibrations from the two Supreme Circles that were left increased in intensity.

The vibration seemed to trigger the last series of shackles that were blocking Rowan from deciphering the Enochian words, and it slammed into his consciousness like a boulder, coincidentally, Rowan’s throne vanished and he collapsed to a single knee, his motion graceful like a dance despite of his focus being on the word that had branded itself to his consciousness.



Every action that he had been undertaking as he crushed the Supreme Circles was leading to this inevitable outcome. If Rowan was any other immortal, even if he was at the eighth-dimensional level when he destroyed the ninth Supreme Circle, he should have perished, but certain factors had kept him alive.

The first of those was his Primordial Record. Because the destruction of the Supreme Circle had happened inside of the Singularity, it had been able to block 99% of the backlash, and the fact that Rowan’s dimensional flesh and soul kept him separated from reality aided him in escaping the sentence of death. His created Supreme Circle kept him safe, his bloodlines kept him safe, his Primordial Ouroboros Serpents kept him safe, his Angels kept him safe, the might of his children kept him safe…

However, every time he destroyed a Circle, the call of death grew stronger, and it was like he was playing Russian Roulette, but with every round that he survived, another bullet was added to the chamber of the gun.

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