There was only silence that lingered in the air after Huang Xie crushed this corpse.
The only sound that could be heard was the dripping of blood falling to the ground as the blood that clung to Huang Xie dripped down.
No one could say a thing as they all looked at Huang Xie with confused looks that were filled with terror. Not a single person had been able to understand just why Huang Xie had done all of this.
But they didn’t get to say anything as Huang Xie slowly looked at them and said, “I think that this should make it very clear what kind of situation you are in. If there’s anyone else who still doesn’t understand, then speak up now and I’ll show you.”
Everyone gave a gulp when they heard this as not a single person dared to step forward after hearing this.
The last ones that had tried to go against Huang Xie had been made a clear example of.
These people knew that they couldn’t die, but that didn’t mean that they wanted to lose an hour because of something this simple. If they were to lose this hour, there was no doubt that they would fall behind in this competition.
If they were to fall behind, it would be almost impossible for them to catch up again.
So that was not something that they could afford to do.
While it hurt their pride to submit, it seemed that they had no choice…
Submitting to Huang Xie was the better of the two options here.
Still, no one dared to say a thing as they didn’t know what Huang Xie was planning to do. They wanted to see just what kind of terms that he was prepared to set for them, instead of giving terms that might be worse than what he had planned for them.
However, that was where Huang Xie was also hesitating.
Even though he had put on such a strong display, that was the only part that he had thought through. There was still the ending that he hadn’t thought through yet, so he didn’t know how to continue.
After all, it was hard to make these strong willed people to suddenly submit to him and accept his command.
Unless he did something drastic, it didn’t seem like he would be able to get them to work with him.
That was until a certain someone offered a suggestion.
“Are you certain that this will work?” Huang Xie asked in a hesitant voice.
“Of course.” The voice inside of his mind said.
Huang Xie had an uncertain look on his face that confused the others that were there, but they didn’t say anything since they didn’t know what he was planning to do.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Huang Xie said, “I want all of you to give me a part of your soul. If anything happens, I will shatter it and you will be seriously injured. As long as you don’t act on your own and listen to me, then I won’t do anything with it.”
All of the others deeply knitted their brows when they heard this.
It wasn’t that they didn’t believe what he said, but because of the seriousness of what Huang Xie had just said.
He had asked for a part of their soul so easily…but was this really something that could be asked for that easily?
Even if their cultivation levels weren’t considered that high compared to the rest of the world, they were still in sects that could be considered powerful sects in the Wu Empire. As such, they naturally knew a thing or two about souls.
They all knew that the soul was one of the most important things for a cultivator, especially when it came to higher levels of cultivation. The soul was what was developed at higher levels of cultivation, which showed just how important it was.
It was not something that could be given away so easily…
But what other choice did they have in this situation?
One of them couldn’t accept this, so he said, “Wait, we’ll swear a vow that we’ll follow your orders and never harm you or your allies.”
Huang Xie’s eyes immediately turned to look at this person.
When that person felt Huang Xie’s gaze on him, they couldn’t help feeling a chill run down their spine. Especially when they saw that Huang Xie was starting to move towards them after they had asked this.
Huang Xie didn’t say a single thing as he came towards this person, which just put more and more pressure the closer he came.
Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore and said, “Don’t do it! I promise that I’ll listen to you!”
It was just too bad that Huang Xie had already made up his mind on how to handle this person.
He was the last one that he needed to take care of before this was all over since he could see that everyone was already wavering. This last person would be the last straw on the camel’s back that would break it.
So Huang Xie suddenly charged forward, which made this person take a step back.
This step back was his mistake as Huang Xie appeared in front of him, as if he had already been expecting him to take this step back. Then with a single thrust of his palm, Huang Xie pushed this person backwards into the balls behind him.
He fell right on the balls and then…the spiritual energy appeared.
“No! No!” That person screamed out as the spiritual energy enveloped him, but he didn’t get a chance to say anything else.
The ball trap that he had fallen on was a very special one…
It was a laser grid.
Well, it was better to call it a ball that had light elemental energy in it, but that light elemental energy was concentrated to the point where it formed lasters. So when it was released, it formed a laser energy grid that cut that person up into tiny pieces.
All that was left of him in the end was a bunch of small pieces of flesh and a pool of blood.
This was by far the most terrifying death out of all the deaths that had happened today and the one that had affected the rest of the people here the most. After all, none of them wanted to be the next person that ended up like this…
So after a long period of hesitation, the next person that spoke said, “I’ll do it.”
When he said this, he found that Huang Xie’s eyes immediately fell onto him.
However, the way that Huang Xie looked at him was completely different from how Huang Xie had looked at the others. It seemed that he accepted him for coming to this decision and even praised him for it. Find adventures on m_v l|
When Huang Xie came over this time, that person didn’t feel any pressure at all.
Then when Huang Xie was in front of him, he raised his hand towards his chest.
There was a small part of that person that wanted to move out of the way, but he stopped himself in the end and let Huang Xie do what he wanted.
As Huang Xie’s hand was on this person’s chest, there was a faint light that appeared.
It didn’t take long before there was this small ball of light that came out of that person.
When that person saw this, he couldn’t help feeling that there was an important part of him that had been pulled out of him. This was most likely the feeling of having his soul pulled out from him.
After all, he could feel that there was something that was resonating with him when it came to that small ball of light that Huang Xie was holding.
With the first person accepting Huang Xie’s terms, it didn’t take long before others started to crumble. It only took a single domino to set off this chain reaction as everyone started to agree to Huang Xie’s terms.
After all, it was better than the alternative…
With that, Huang Xie was able to collect the soul fragments from all of the ones that were left in this room.
As he held these soul fragments, he could feel the connection from them to everyone else who was here.
With that, he put the soul fragments away and started leading everyone over to the same area that Xiao Ming and the others were in. However, he didn’t bring them right over to where Xiao Ming’s group was since he didn’t completely trust them.
He didn’t want to let them do anything that he would regret without being able to stop them, so he didn’t give them any chance.
All during this time, Huang Xie had been looking around the room, as if he was looking for something.
After he made sure that they were all gathered in that one area, everyone was confused as to what Huang Xie was doing.
Huang Xie just ignored them all as he moved over to the side.
As he moved through the ball pit, there wasn’t a single trap that was set off, once again showing that he knew exactly where the traps were.
Finally, Huang Xie suddenly stopped in one spot and bent over as if he was reaching for something.
When he came up, there was a key that was in his hand.
As he held this key up for everyone to see, the mechanical voice of the statue once again sounded.
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